
Végetol® innovation is an ingredient from natural origin exclusively obtained by biofermentation of vegetable glycerin (green chemistry process).

Végetol® innovation was developed in collaboration with numerous academic research teams: the Institute of Chemistry of the University of Poitiers, the École des Mines de Saint-Étienne (biophysics of aerosols), Armines laboratory specialized in the toxicology of inhaled particles.

As the first alternative to propylene glycol and vegetal glycerin, Végetol® ingredient is a compound with amazing properties and particularly suitable for e-cigarettes:
> Non-irritant for airways: it is the only alternative for the consumer allergic to propylene glyol
> Because of its properties, Végetol® innovation allows rapid assimilation of nicotine for a cigarette-like satisfaction.
> A powerful flavour enhancer that significantly reduces the flavors concentrations of e-liquids for a healthier vaping. With a high thermal stability, it does not react at high temperature with the other components of the e-liquid.

From an environmental point of view, a Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) carried out according to the standards in force confirms the very great superiority of the Végetol® innovation over propylene glycol. Propylene glycol comes from petroleum and produces more greenhouse gas emissions than the Végetol® innovation.

Végétol® is a patented innovation that was published internationally in the prestigious scientific journal Nature Scientific Reports in 2018.
> Publication

Végétol® is an EVE Vegan® certified ingredient.
This certification guarantees:
> That the manufacturer and the production area have been subject to a prior audit by EVE Vegan®
> No ingredient of animal origin is involved in its production and formulation cycle
> That the natural ingredient Végétol® has not been tested on animals